Thomas Bégin
May 14th to June 12th, 2010
For a complete copy of the “New Age Doom” essay click here
Thomas Bégin’s enigmatic installation work has taken many forms, often incorporating machinic or kinetic elements into constructions that are guided by the interactions of the gallery visitor. With the current project at PAVED Arts, entitled Larsen surf-mixing plan model, Bégin will construct a self-generative sound structure by using the very simple means of Larsen Feedback. Starting from the classic structure “electric guitar-amplifier-speaker” the artist will direct vibrations emanating from the speaker cone directly to the guitar strings, thus creating a “mechanical feedback system” that operates on the same physical premise of an electronic oscillator. In order to control the sound a complex of wires running between different speakers and guitar strings will constitute a “net”, in some cases interfering with the signal as much as enhancing it. In so doing the sounds can be modified and take on the life of a moving pattern. Bégin will in effect create a self generated sound piece from the basic components of guitar- amplifier-speaker-wire-elastic, resulting in a network of vibrating and pulsing wires that produce a continuously shifting wave form.
Bégin’s project for PAVED Arts will commence with a short production residency whereby the artist’s process will be made public. The completed work will be launched at the opening reception on May 14th, 2010.