by Jean-Sébastien Gauthier
424 20th street W.
Saturday, March 31, and Sunday, April 1 2012 8 PM (doors at 7h30)
Tickets: $10
Cash Bar (ID Req’d)
PHOBODROME is a live video performance and temporal sculpture by Saskatoon based inter- disciplinary artist Jean-Sébastien Gauthier. The work attempts to evoke a trembling balance between senses of deep nightmarish fear and childish wonderment. It is an immersive video environnement comprised of multiple live camera signals, real time projection, life size sculpture and live performance. It’s wish is to produce a visceral immediacy between the artwork, artist and viewer.
The artist will be performing and mixing video simultaneously and will be accompanied by an original audio set performed live by sound artist Jon Vaughn.
J-S Gauthier studied at Concordia University where he graduated with distinction in 2009 majoring in sculpture. His art practice and interests are in developing experiential time-based art and sculptures which confound viewer’s sense of immediacy and three-dimensional space.
The artist’s interest in sculpture originally sprung from growing up in and around the sculpture studios of his grandfather, Saskatoon sculptor Bill Epp (1930-1995). Phobodrome’s sculptures mark the artist’s first foray into presenting monumental sculptures in his home town.
This project is generously funded by the Saskatchewan Arts Board.
FYI: This work is not for the faint of heart and may not be suitable for younger viewers.
for more information visit:
or tel: 371-8722