Ernst Logar (Vienna, Austria)
November 4 – December 10, 2016
Curated by David LaRiviere
Opening reception for Tar Sands – Friday, November 4 at 8 p.m.
This exhibition aims to render visible various complex manifestations that characterize the ongoing oil mining developments in Northern Alberta. In what the artist termed his research phase (2015-2016), Logar has twice camped at worker sites in the Athabasca region, participated in the “After Oil School” at the University of Alberta (Organized by Imre Szeman, Canada Research Chair in Cultural Studies), as well as participated in the 2016 Banff Centre thematic residency entitled “On Energy.” Throughout this undertaking Logar has set out to engage the political, economic, technological and social spaces of the sector. Logar will utilize photography, audio and video to create works that trace the extraction process of oil from bitumen. As such the exhibition at PAVED Arts will focus on the environmental impact that oil mining has upon the resource of water and the surrounding landscape.
PAVED Arts gratefully acknowledges the generous support of ShowTime Glass in sponsoring a part of the production costs for this exhibition.
Gallery Hours: Tuesday – Friday, Noon – 6 pm; Saturdays Noon – 4pm
PAVED Arts acknowledges the support of our members, volunteers and partners, and of our principal funders: Canada Council for the Arts, Saskatchewan Arts Board, SaskCulture, SaskLotteries, the City of Saskatoon and the National Film Board of Canada.
For media inquiries or more information, contact: David LaRiviere, Artistic Director, tel. (306) 652-5502 ext.1
PAVED Arts: 424 20th Street West Saskatoon SK. S7M 0X4
Free admission to the public with barrier-free accessibility.