Please remember that you must be a member in good standing to have voting privileges.
If your membership has lapsed, you can renew prior to the meeting to reinstate your standing.
6:00 – Registration
6:15 – Annual General Meeting
7:30 – Reception (complimentary refreshments and pizza provided)
1. Call to Order
2. Appointment of Secretary
3. Acceptance of the Agenda
4. Acceptance of Minutes
5. Business Arising from Minutes
6. a Presentation of Audited Financial Statements
b Re-appointment of Auditor
7. Executive Directors Report
8. President’s Address
9. Election of new Board Members
10. Other Business
11. Next AGM
PAVED Arts Board of Director Opening
PAVED Arts is seeking individuals to fill upcoming vacancies on the volunteer Board of Directors, voted in by the membership. This role offers a rewarding opportunity to support and advise an established artist run centre. Nominees must be residents of Saskatoon.
PAVED Arts is a non-profit, community-based organization that exists to advance knowledge and practices in what we call the ‘PAVED Arts’ arts: photography, audio, video, electronic and digital. We help artists and independent producers make and exhibit their work.
We operate an access centre for media production and post-production, offer training and professional development for media artists, and bring examples of cutting edge work in the ‘PAVED Arts’ arts to Saskatoon audiences through our free gallery exhibitions and public screenings.
The Board meets every six weeks. Meetings include: reviewing and addressing issues related to the governance and sustainability of the organization as a whole, such as budget, finance, Executive Director recruitment and evaluation, fundraising, and major strategic and policy initiatives.
The Board maintains several standing committees to assist in the governance of the organization: Personnel Committee, Outreach Committee, and Fundraising Committee.
Applicants should be prepared to commit an average of 6 to 8 hours per month of volunteer time. Those who fill the vacancies on PAVED’s Board of Directors will have two-year terms, beginning June 29th, 2016.
Nominations received by:
June 22, at 5 p.m., 2016
AGM and election announcements:
June 29th at 6 p.m., 2016
For further information and to submit your letter of interest and C.V., please contact:
Alex Rogalski, Executive Director 306.652.5502 ext. 2
or visit