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Introduction to Customizing WordPress Templates
w/ Sarah Etter

Sat. December 2nd, 12-4pm
PAVED Arts & Aka artist-run Event Space

This workshop will give an introduction to making changes to existing WordPress templates. Learn basic WordPress administration, as well as some code (PHP, HTML, and CSS) to customize how your website looks.

About the artist:
Sarah Etter is a web developer who works as the lead developer at Territorial in Saskatoon. She has spoken at web development conferences around Canada, as well as taught workshops with Ladies Learning Code and the University of Saskatchewan. When she isn’t coding, Sarah enjoys making music, crafting, reading comics, and volunteering.

To register for this free members’ workshop, email

About Memberships:
Did you know? PAVED member perks include free work-shops plus artist-priced access to equipment rentals, video editing suite, digital photo suite, audio suite, darkroom, event space rentals, and more!

Fee: $50/year ($25 for Student/Underemployed)
To buy/renew your membership, please contact Lenore at or 306-652-5502 ext. 3