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Sounds Like Festival Workshops
Saturday, November 11, 1 – 4:30 pm

Free w/ Sounds Like Festival Pass or Paved Membership or $10/Door

To register for one or both of these workshops, please email

1:00 – 2:30pm
Digital Sound Manipulation and Design: Workshop w/ Adam Basanta

Sound manipulation and sound design workshop: learn basic “tape music” techniques of sound manipulation in a digital DAW, advanced processing (time stretch, granulation, etc), and creating complex sonic gestures. Useful for experimental music but also film sound, sound design etc. No previous experience necessary. Please bring your own computer, with your own DAW or freeware software (ie. Amadeus) installed.

Adam Basanta is a Montreal-based sound artist, composer, and performer of experimental music. His work traverses sound installations, electroacoustic and instrumental composition, site-specific interventions, and laptop performance. Across disciplines and media, he interrogates intersections between conceptual and sensorial dimensions of listening, instabilities of instrumentality, and means with which site and space can be articulated.

3:00 – 4:30pm
Live Acoustic Improvisation: Open Talk & Live Demo w/ Colin Fisher

Through an open talk and live demonstration, Fisher explores process; how improvisation functions as a biological coordinative function of the organism, a manifestation of personal expression. His presentation expands on listening as a component of dialogue, more specifically, a profound sense of listening inside oneself both literally and figuratively.

Colin Fisher is a Toronto-based multi-instrumentalist/composer/improviser. Fisher believes that music has the capacity to create, to sustain life, and to bring the organism back into balance/homeostasis. Colin’s collaborative work links him across various communities and localities – he is most active in Not the Wind, Not the Flag, a psychedelic/ecstatic music duo with percussionist/musician Brandon Valdivia. Their decade long exploration of duo music has produced a substantial recording output, as well as a vast amount of live performance and tour experiences, including collaborations with Caribou and the Constantines.