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Intro to the Darkroom: Part 1
Black & White Film Processing w/ Charles Brooke
Saturday, October 13th, 12-4pm
AKA/PAVED Arts Event Space
Limit 6-8 participants. No experience necessary!

 Part 1: B&W Film Processing — Analog photography lives! Arrive to this workshop with an exposed roll of film (black and white 35mm) and leave with a set of developed negatives ready for printing. In this workshop, you’ll learn the fundamentals of  black and white film development in a chemical darkroom (and learn your way around PAVED’s Member Darkroom). Common development equipment and techniques will be used to prepare participants to develop film independently.

Intro to the Darkroom: Part 2
Making Prints w/ Charles Brooke

Saturday, October 20th, 12-4pm
AKA/PAVED Arts Event Space
Limit 6-8 participants. No experience necessary!

Analog photography lives! Arrive to this workshop with your developed roll of black and white film and leave with an enlarged positive print and contact sheet.

Participants in this workshop will learn the basic techniques required to create black and white prints from negative film. Basic enlarger operation and chemical steps will be covered to produce pleasing finished prints. Participants will complete the workshop with basic knowledge to independently explore further creative possibilities in the darkroom, and a working knowledge of the free Member’s Darkroom at PAVED Arts.

Charles Brooke is a recreational photographer from Saskatoon. Having spent many years out of the darkroom, he recently returned to chemical photography at PAVED Arts. His current interests lie in honing his traditional darkroom skills to create images oriented within an historical context.

Members: $10 (Supply Fee)
Non-members: $60 ($50/Price of membership at time of registration or $25 for students/underemployed + $10 Supply Fee)

To register for our Members’ workshops:
• Email
• Call Lenore at 306-652-5502 ext 3
• Drop in – Upstairs at 424 20 ST W, Saskatoon, SK