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Wednesday May 23rd, 7-10pm
One Take Super 8 Camera Workshop
w/ Peter Stinson, Devin McAdam and Travis Cole
Join us for the PAVED Arts One Take Super 8 Event Workshop where local Super 8 filmmaking veteran Peter Nicholas Stinson, with assistance from PAVED Arts staff Devin McAdam and Travis Cole will share their expertise, offer technical & creative tips and tricks, and assist participants with the planning of their 2018 One Take film. They will also share examples of some of our favourite Super 8 films and provide essential tips on how to best organize your single cartridge shoot to make your final product as look as good as possible.
There will be pizza provided!
Peter Nicholas Stinson is a local multi-disciplinary artist and long time practitioner in Super 8.
Travis Cole is the Executive Director of PAVED Arts, and has prior film experience film spending many years in the Winnipeg film community. Travis co-founded the micro-cinema collective Open City Cinema (OCC) and helped launch the annual Winnipeg Underground Film Festival (WUFF) in 2013. He has also worked for WNDX Festival of Moving Image, and Video Pool Media Arts Centre.
Participants are encouraged to bring their cameras if they own them. Our facilitators will do their best to ensure they are in proper working order and provide orientations on gear so that you can have fun making your short film!
This workshop is for registered 0TS8 participants only, so sign up today to secure your spot!
More info here :
No experience necessary to participate!


About Memberships:
Did you know? PAVED member perks include free work-shops and darkroom plus artist-priced access to equipment rentals, video editing suite, digital photo suite, audio suite, event space rentals, and more. Our Darkroom Suite is always free for our members to use!

Fee: $50/year ($25 for Student/Underemployed)
To buy/renew your membership, please contact Lenore at or 306-652-5502 ext. 3