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Shooting Manual: Understanding Your Digital SLR*
Workshop w/ Carey Shaw

Wednesday, January 10, 7–10pm
Upstairs – PAVED Arts/AKA Event Space

This hands-on workshop for beginners, will help you understand how to use your DSLR camera and give you more creative control. You will be guided through the various settings of your camera and shown ways to utilize manual settings, creative techniques, lenses, and accessories. Understand what it all means: aperture, shutter speeds, ISO and white balance!

Bio: A graduate from the Alberta College of Art + Design, Carey Shaw has been working professionally for the past 16 years shooting for personal, commercial, and editorial clients throughout North America.

To register for this FREE members’ workshop, please email

*DSLR: Stands for Digital Single-Lens Reflex camera

About Memberships:
Did you know? PAVED member perks include free work-shops plus artist-priced access to equipment rentals, video editing suite, digital photo suite, audio suite, darkroom, event space rentals, and more!

Fee: $50/year ($25 for Student/Underemployed)
To buy/renew your membership, please contact Lenore at or 306-652-5502 ext. 3