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Wednesday, February 19th, 7-10pm
AKA/PAVED Arts Event Space
Presented by PAVED Arts, Girls Rock Saskatoon & SaskMusic

In the last workshop in this series, you’ll receive hands-on training on how to run a soundcheck efficiently and how to troubleshoot inevitable problems that come with running live shows. Jill will lead you through common problems that arise and the steps needed to solve them quickly and seamlessly.

Jill Mack is a freelance sound tech living in Saskatoon. She tours with The Pack A.D, a garage-rock duo from Vancouver, as their FOH engineer and works at various venues around the city when not on the road. She has also recorded local musician, Ellen Froese’s first full length self-titled LP and plans to record their second album this winter. When she is not at a show, or consumed in the nerd-files of audio, Jill indulges in some of her favourite hobbies such as sleeping, a little yoga and sad attempts at playing drums.

This workshop is FREE for children and adults alike. You do not need to be a PAVED Arts member to attend. Although this workshop is designed for a Femme Audience, all genders are welcome to attend. There will be a brief talk by Girls Rock Saskatoon and SaskMusic will be providing light food and drinks.

To register for this workshop, email Lenore at