Saturday, March 23rd, 12pm
AKA/PAVED Arts Event Space
Mike will lead participants through the in-camera and animated trick photography used in his award winning films and feature film THE GOOSE. Participants will by walked through the full process of his hand made techniques, that appear in THE GOOSE and his other films.
Mike Maryniuk was born in Winnipeg, but raised in the rural backcountry of Manitoba. A self-taught film virtuoso, Maryniuk’s film world is an inventive hybrid of Jim Henson, Norman McLaren and Les Blank. Maryniuk’s films are a visual stew of hand-madeingredients and are full of home cooked wonderfulness. His films have screened at Sundance, SXSW, NY Views from the Avant Garde, TIFF and around the globe.
To register for this workshop, email
No experience necessary!
Members: FREE
Non-members: $50 (Price of membership at time of registration or $25 for students/underemployed)
To register for this workshop, email Lenore at