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Every Monday from 7–9pm (October 2020- April 2021)
At Chokecherry Studios and PAVED Arts, & Zoom
Open to all community youth
Presented by PAVED Arts, Chokecherry Studios, & Saskatoon Open Door Society

Create your own instrumental beats! Write music and poetry!

PAVED Arts is proud to announce Mic Drop, a drop-in collaborative and creative recording arts program for youth. Through this program participants can create music & poetry at Chokecherry Studios and record it in our PAVED Arts audio suite.

STEP 1️⃣: Join us at Chokecherry Studios every Monday night for structured creative sessions. This is where you’ll prepare and practice! Food will be provided at Chokecherry for each Monday night session. NOTE: While Covid numbers are high, please tune in via our weekly zoom link here: / Meeting ID: 991 7492 6676

STEP 2️⃣: Record and mix your work at the PAVED Arts Audio Suite with Lenore and Sean K on deck to mentor and help in the studio!

Thank you to Sask Lotteries and The City of Saskatoon for their generous support in making this program possible.

Shoutout to Jade Creelman and Charli Brechin for creating the program logo and graphics.