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Accessibility & Visual Story

PAVED Arts strives to offer a welcoming and accessible production centre and gallery to everyone who enters our doors. If you have any questions about our facilities, please call (306) 652-5502 or email our staff.

Adrian Stimson's "LOVED BACK" billboard
Image: Adrian Stimson, LOVE BACK, billboard project, 2023.

Accessibility notes on our facilities

    • Power door at the front entrance with a double door that can be opened to create a width of 70 3/4 inches. Please ring the doorbell for assistance opening the second door.
    • First-floor and second-floor universal washrooms.
    • Wheelchair-accessible kitchen in second-floor event space.
    • An enclosed wheelchair elevator to the second floor is in the front lobby.
    • Please ask staff if you need assistance or have any questions. Staff is located in the offices through the gallery on the main floor, or can be contacted at (306) 652-5502.

Getting Here

Saskatoon Transit: The 02 City Centre bus makes regular stops along 20th Street West. Parking is available on both sides of 20th Street West and adjacent side streets. Curb cuts on corners of Avenue D South and 20th St W, and Avenue E South and 20th St W.

Visual Story


This is the Front door to PAVED Arts and AKA Artist-Run. This front door has a button for a hands-free entrance. The second door can be opened to create a width of 70 3/4 inches. Please ring the doorbell on the occasion that the front door is locked or for assistance opening the second door. 

Lobby — First Floor

This is the Lobby for our building. The main gallery and staff offices are through the door straight ahead. The gallery has exhibitions that are always free to attend and open to the public (Tuesday–Friday from 12–6 pm and Saturday 12–4pm). 

To the left is the AKA Artist-Run and PAVED Arts community studios.

To the right is the staircase and elevator to access the production centre, event space, and the BlackFlash Magazine office.

Art Studios — First Floor

These studios are given to artists in 6-month increments, selected from applications, and are open to the public only during “open studios” (often occurring during AKA or PAVED exhibition opening receptions). Come meet the artists and see their work during these open studio nights!

Gallery — First Floor

Image: Alyssa Bornn, placeholder, installed in PAVED Arts main gallery, 2023.

This is the main gallery, which we share with AKA Artist-Run. We feature local, regional, and national artists all year, free to the public, and open Tuesdays–Fridays 12-6 pm and Saturdays 12–4 pm. 

For any further gallery questions, contact artistic[at]paved arts[dot]ca.

Library/Meeting Area — First Floor

This small space houses our small library of art publications and provides a space for meetings and food and beverage area during opening receptions. Doors off of this area are the offices for the PAVED Arts Executive Director, Artistic Director, and Communications Coordinator. Feel free to ask staff for information about our current exhibition, or any questions you have about your visit. The first-floor universal washroom is down the hallway to the left. Also down this hallway are the offices for AKA Artist-Run and Common Weal Community Arts.

Hallway — Second Floor

This is the second-floor hallway at the top of the stairwell and elevator. To the left is the 20 Above Event Space. The door straight ahead leads to our production centre. Staff work behind this raised counter, and can help with memberships, bookings, rentals, or any questions you may have. The BlackFlash Magazine office is to the right.

Production Centre — Second Floor

This is the PAVED Arts Production Centre. This classroom has doors to the Darkroom (for developing and printing 35mm and medium format film), Video Suite (for video editing), the Audio Suite (with an isolated recording booth and control room), and the Photo Suite (with scanning equipment and a large format printer). All suites and the darkroom can be booked by the hour, day, or week. See our facilities page for more details. 

If you have questions about the Event Space or the Production Centre, contact program[at]pavedarts[dot]ca.

Event Space — Second Floor

This is the 20 Above Event Space used for events, productions, and creative projects booked through AKA Artist-Run and PAVED Arts. PAVED Arts producing and institutional members can book the event space for a wide range of events including performances, photoshoots, private meetings, fundraisers, movie productions, and more. The attached kitchen has a width to accommodate a standard wheelchair rotation, lowered countertops, and lowered appliances. A universal washroom is down the hallway at the back of the event space. See our facilities page for more information or contact program[at]pavedarts[dot]ca with any questions about the space or events being hosted here.