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Post-Production and Editing with Final Cut Pro X Workshop w/ Raj Padmanabh

Thursday, August 17, 2023, 6-9PM
PAVED Arts Production Centre

In this workshop we will begin with a review of the Final Cut Pro X interface and project workflow. The next step will be working with FCPX tools for reviewing footage and editing media into the Project timeline to create a scene. We explore FCPX features including, voiceover tool, colour correction, adding transitions, titles and graphical elements followed by adjusting audio levels, filters and repairs. Lastly the workshop will demonstrate outputting the video for various platforms such as streaming and other deliverables.

Tools Needed
If you have FCPX on a laptop it may help to follow along but it is not necessary. This introductory course will show how to work through a simple project.

Basic Skills
You should be comfortable using computers in general. FCPX is exclusive to Apple so any experience using Macs will be helpful.

To register for this workshop, email

Artist Bio

Raj Padmanabh is a local film maker and video artist.  He has a BA in Drama from the University of Saskatchewan and attended Stanford University’s Digital Media Academy in 2005-2006 for Post-Production Editing and Special Effects. Raj became an Apple Certified Pro Trainer for Final Cut Pro 5 and has maintained through FCPX.  He has taught advanced workshops at NAB 2007/2008 and was an instructor at Stanford’s DMA in 2008.  Raj has taught numerous Final Cut Pro workshops at PAVED since 2005.  Raj works as a full-time film maker and video artist on projects including documentaries, feature-length films, experimental videos, live video production, educational and promotional videos.