Quick Read Membership Policy
• PAVED Art’s services are intended for independent artists, producers and community groups that are engaged in the production of artist-controlled, non-commercial, media works of social and / or artistic value. The following types of projects are not permitted at PAVED: Projects done on contract for, or produced by a private company, church groups and political parties, industrial or corporate projects, training projects, commercial television projects, wedding videos, commercial fashion videos, freelance projects for non-PAVED members. In the case of a member hired to do freelance work, the client must be an artist or non-profit organization member of PAVED.
• Membership is non-transferable, and is strictly for the use of the individual Member to whom it is issued. Renew your membership annually to maintain access.
• Producing Members are eligible to apply for our Production Support Programs that provide free equipment access, cash grants and technical support.
• Volunteer time may be redeemed against PAVED Arts equipment and facility rental charges. Please inquire about volunteer opportunities!
• Only Producing Members in Good Standing may book, rent, and use facilities or take equipment off-premises.
• Members must familiarize themselves with PAVED Art’s booking procedures and comply accordingly. Costs of services and supplies are subject to change without prior notice.
• All rental invoices must be payed promptly. A penalty fee will be charged for each day equipment is overdue.
• PAVED members will not be allowed to rent equipment or facilities until the prior fees are paid.
• All Production Centre Equipment and Facility rentals require 24 Hours advance notice for booking – this ensures equipment has time to be returned by others and assessed by staff to ensure that everything is in full working order, and ready for your use.
• Members are entirely responsible for pickup, use and return of equipment. All bookings and rentals must be made under the name of the member who holds the copyright on the project.
• Members must acknowledge PAVED Arts and it’s funders in the credits of any productions they complete at the centre, and we ask that Member’s deposit a copy in our archives.
• Members renting the PAVED Production Studios and Event Space must leave it clean after use. Materials left without prior approval will be disposed of.
• Members using the facilities or renting equipment accept financial responsibility for loss, theft or damage. In the case of damage, PAVED staff must be informed of the problem immediately. In the case of theft, the member must also report the incident to the police and submit an incident number to PAVED. Please inquire about extra insurance.
• Rented equipment should never be left unattended.
• Members must demonstrate proficiency with the equipment they intend to use or receive training from PAVED staff.
• Members must familiarize themselves with security procedures, such as use of swipe cards, keys and security codes.
• Access to in-house facilities is restricted to office hours until the member has been a member for one year, and demonstrated suitable proficiency and responsibility to be granted after-hours access.
• After hours access is up to the discretion of the Production Centre staff.
• All Producing Members have voting privileges at Members’ meetings and may stand for election to the Board of Directors.
• If you are a member of another IMAA centre, and want to use our equipment and facilities while you’re in Saskatoon, please review the details in our Membership Policy and then contact our staff.
• Parent or guardian must sign Membership and Rental Contracts for anyone under the age of 18.
Full Membership Policy
1. General
• Producing Membership at PAVED Arts is available to any individual who wishes to make use of the centre’s production facilities, equipment and services.
• With the exception of individuals specifically designated and approved by staff as part of Programming projects, only Producing Members may make use of production facilities, equipment and services.
• To become a Producing Member, an individual fills out the Membership Form with the appropriate information (name, address, telephone number, email address, etc.), signs the Membership Contract agreeing to abide by the terms of the Membership Policy, and pays the required fee. Membership will take effect once all of these steps have been completed.
• Membership is annual, lasting for one year from the date of inscription or renewal.
• Membership in Good Standing is defined as having paid Membership fees in full for the current year.
• The annual fee for Producing Membership is determined by the Board of Directors. Currently, the annual Producing Membership fee is $50. The fee is discounted to $25 for Students and Under-employed individuals.
• Membership is non-transferable, and is strictly for the use of the individual Member to whom it is issued.
• Producing Members receive regular notification of PAVED Arts activities, events, and programs. Certain programs are accessible only by Producing Members in Good Standing.
• Members are responsible for keeping their current address and contact information on file with centre staff in order to receive information about PAVED Arts programs and activities.
2. Eligible Productions & Activities
PAVED Arts exists to support activities that are independent, artist-driven and non-commercial. Equipment and facilities are intended for artistic production projects or/and creative activities over which the Producing Member in question exercises full artistic and editorial control.
Equipment and facilities may not be used for the following activities:
• Instructional, promotional, corporate or industrial projects
• Activities related to a course of study at a for-profit vocational school
• Activities in which the artist-Producing Member does not retain artistic and editorial control
• The decision of staff with respect to the eligibility of activities will be final
Furthermore, staff may decline to provide equipment and facilities if a proposed activity appears to have the potential to:
• Pose an undue danger or risk to persons or property
• Contravene the mandate and objectives of the centre
• The decision of staff with respect to the permissible use of equipment and facilities will be final
3. Production Credits & Documentation
• PAVED Arts requires that it and its funders be acknowledged in the appropriate credit title portion of any production completed with its equipment and/or facilities. The format of this credit is determined and provided by staff. Members are responsible for ensuring that their production includes the required credits.
• Upon completion of their production or project, Members are required to deposit, at their own expense, either a copy of the production, or equivalent documentation. This copy is to be of equal format and resolution to their final master output, or in the case of documentation, of an appropriate format and resolution.
• Upon completion of their production or project, Members are required to fill out a form providing basic information about the production. By completing a production at PAVED Arts, Members give permission for the centre to retain a copy of their work for in-house archival and documentation purposes, and for the centre to include basic information about the production in its archives and on-line database. Members may choose whether to give or withhold consent for the inclusion of their production, or an excerpt of it, in the centre’s on-line database or web site.
4. Facility & Equipment Rentals
• Only Producing Members in Good Standing (as well as artists specifically invited by the centre to use production facilities and equipment as part of programming projects, residencies, production programs, etc.) may book, rent, and use facilities or take equipment off-premises. Producing Members whose membership has lapsed must renew their membership and pay the appropriate fee before any booking or rental can be made.
• Members are responsible for ensuring that they have appropriate training and experience to operate equipment and facilities they wish to use, and for obtaining advance approval by staff of their qualifications to use equipment and facilities they propose to rent. Staff may, at their discretion, decline to book or rent equipment and facilities and equipment to Members until they are able to satisfactorily demonstrate their ability to operate equipment, and/or have taken appropriate workshop training offered by the centre.
• Equipment and facilities must be booked a minimum of one working day in advance. Staff will determine which equipment and facilities are available for booking or rental. Staff may, at their discretion, decline to book or rent equipment to Producing Members who have accumulated an excessive unpaid account balance on previous rental charges. Members agree to abide by the determination by staff as to the availability or possibility of booking or renting equipment and facilities.
• By making a booking, Members assume responsibility for the rental charges associated with it. Members may cancel a booking one working day in advance and incur no charges, but Members who cancel less than one working day in advance will incur a charge of 50% of the rental fee. The full rental fee will be charged to Members who do not cancel or show up for the booking.
• By renting equipment or facilities, Members assume full responsibility for payment of the fee associated with the period for which the equipment has been signed out or the facility use starts. The rental period begins when the rental starts, and concludes when the equipment has been returned or the facility vacated.
• When renting equipment or facilities, Members must complete the appropriate rental form in full, supplying their current address and contact information, and initialling and signing the form. By doing so, Members take full responsibility for the rented equipment or facilities, and agree to abide by the terms of the PAVED Arts Rental Contract. Staff endeavour to maintain equipment in good condition at all times, but Members assume final responsibility for verifying that the equipment and facilities they sign a Rental Contract for are in good condition and functioning to their satisfaction.
• By signing for equipment or facility rentals, Members assume full responsibility for returning equipment or vacating facilities by the agreed-upon time. If equipment is returned late or facilities vacated late, the renting Member will be charged the rental rate for the additional time.
• If a Member who has made a legitimate advance booking for equipment or facilities is denied access because of another Member’s late return of equipment, or late vacating of facilities, the Member responsible for the lateness will be charged an additional penalty equal to the rental rate for the equipment or facilities that were booked by Member who is denied access, until the equipment is returned or the facility vacated. This penalty is charged on top of the normal rental rate for any additional time used.
• Staff endeavour to coordinate booking to maximize access for all Members, but PAVED Arts’s liability to Members who are denied access to equipment or facilities because of another Member’s lateness will be limited to free rental credits equivalent to the period during which equipment or facilities were not available.
Rentals are non-transferable: equipment must be signed for and picked up by Member undertaking the production, and returned by them. In the case of in-house facility rentals, the Member must be present during any work session, and assumes full responsibility for the actions and conduct of any visitors, assistants and technicians who are involved in their work.
• Members assume a duty of care for all rented equipment or facilities during the period of their rental. Equipment must be returned in the condition that it was signed out in, and facilities vacated clean and ready for use. Members assume responsibility for any equipment they rent, and, if required, for paying the cost of repair or replacement of any equipment or facilities they have rented or used that is lost, damaged, stolen or not returned. Members agree to promptly report to staff any loss or damage of equipment or facilities, and to cooperate in any process of investigation into the incident.
• Members assume responsibility for making good any loss or damage to equipment they have rented and may be required either to pay the full cost of its repair or replacement, or to pay an insurance deductible if PAVED Arts’s insurance policy coverage is deemed applicable.
• In the context of individual equipment and facility rentals that are not part of a specific production program, staff can provide general orientation to and explanation of equipment features and operation, but cannot provide comprehensive instruction, training or production services without prior arrangements, which will be at the discretion of staff and may be subject to an hourly charge for technical services.
• All Production Centre Equipment and Facility rentals require at least 24 Hours advance notice for booking.
5. In-house Facility & Equipment Guidelines
• Members may not change equipment and wiring configurations, or modify, install or remove software without the express consent of staff.
• Staff will set detailed guidelines about computer accounts, backup and storage of data, keys, overnight access, and equipment operation and care.
6. Off-premises Mobile Equipment Rental Guidelines
• Staff will determine which equipment may be taken off premises. Equipment may not be taken outside the Saskatoon area without advance approval by staff.
• Members may not undertake repairs of equipment in the field or modify equipment in any way without the express consent of staff. Staff will set detailed guidelines about equipment operation and care.
7. IMAA Member Centre VAMP (Visiting Artists Membership Policy) Guidelines:
The following conditions do not apply to PAVED Arts Producing Members or to artists who are specifically invited to use production facilities and equipment as part of programming projects, residencies, production programs, etc., but are intended to accommodate independent Canadian media artists who have reason to undertake production activities in the Saskatoon area that are compatible with the mandate and objectives of PAVED Arts.
• Producing Members in good standing at a centre that is itself a member in good standing of the Independent Media Arts Alliance, may request to use PAVED Arts production facilities and equipment. This request must be made in advance of the proposed production activity. The proposed production activity must meet the eligibility guidelines of Section 2 of this policy. The visiting artist-member must ensure that confirmation of their membership status is provided to PAVED Arts staff by the staff of their home centre in advance of the proposed production activity.
If these conditions are met, and the request for use of facilities and equipment is approved by PAVED Arts staff, and upon signing the appropriate agreement, the visiting artist-member will be entitled to make bookings and rentals of facilities and equipment in a manner similar to PAVED Arts Producing Members, subject to the following conditions:
• Visiting artist-members must abide by the terms and conditions of the PAVED Arts Membership Policy, Rental Contract and equipment and facility use guidelines.
• All rental fees must be paid for in advance in cash.
• Visiting artist-members may not accumulate or apply volunteer credit hours toward the cost of rentals.
• Visiting artist-members may register for PAVED Arts workshops at Member rates.
8. Volunteer Credit Hours Exchange
The following policy applies to individuals joining PAVED Arts as Producing Members.
• Producing Members may register the hours of any volunteer work they perform towards a credit exchange program for equipment and facility rental charges.
• One hour of volunteer time may be redeemed against $15 of PAVED Arts equipment and facility rental charges.
• Staff will determine the mechanism by which volunteer hours are logged and redeemed.
• Members of the Board of Directors are free to log credit hours on all volunteer work not specifically related to their Board duties. Hours spent by Members on Board meetings or business relating specifically to their duties as Board members are not eligible for this exchange program.
• Volunteer credit hours have no cash value and may be redeemed only to offset approved PAVED Arts production facility or equipment rental charges.
• Volunteer credit hours may not be redeemed against the cost of supplies and consumables, which must be paid for in cash. Only volunteer credit hours accumulated and logged in advance of the day of rental for which they are to be redeemed, may be redeemed.
9. Age of Majority
• Individuals under the age of majority may register as Producing or Associate Members, provided that a parent or legal guardian signs their Membership Contract on their behalf, thereby assuming responsibility for its terms. A parent or legal guardian must also sign, in person, the Rental Contract for all equipment or facility rentals by Members under the age of majority, thereby assuming responsibility for its terms. Members under the age of majority may not vote at Members’ meetings or stand for election to the Board of Directors.
10. Voting Privileges and Election to the Board of Directors
• All Producing Members in Good Standing have voting privileges at Members’ meetings (except as noted above in Section 9 of this policy), and may stand for election to the Board of Directors.
11. Associate Membership (Applicable only to Associate Members)
• Individuals who wish to associate themselves with PAVED Arts, but do not require access to production facilities and equipment, may register as Associate Members. Associate Members in Good Standing receive notification of PAVED Arts events, have voting privileges at Members’ meetings, may stand for election to the Board of Directors, and are eligible for Member rates on workshops, but may not access production facilities, equipment or programs directed at Producing Members.
• The annual fee for Associate Membership is determined the Board of Directors. Currently, the annual fee for Associate Membership is $25.
• Associate Members may register their hours of volunteer work at PAVED Arts in the credit exchange log (with the exception of hours spent on Board business), but they must upgrade their membership to Producing Member status before these hours may be redeemed.
• Members are responsible for keeping their current address and contact information on file with centre staff in order to receive information about PAVED Arts programs and activities.
12. Institutional Producing Membership (Applicable to only Institutional Members)
• Eligible non-profit organizations may register as Institutional Producing Members. Staff will determine the eligibility of organizations for Institutional Producing Membership, based on the organizations’ non-profit nature and its compatibility with PAVED Arts’ mandate. The organization that registers as an Institutional Producing Member will receive notification of PAVED Arts events and activities.
• Two specific persons affiliated with, and designated by, the organization that registers as an Institutional Producing Member may access production facilities and equipment in the same manner as Producing Members. These two individuals will assume personal responsibility for their use of equipment and production facilities in the same manner as other Producing Members and must abide by the terms and conditions of the PAVED Arts Membership Policy, Rental Contract and equipment and facility use guidelines.
• Neither the two designated individuals affiliated with the Institutional Producing Member organization, nor the organization itself, may vote at PAVED Arts Members’ Meetings, nor stand for election to the PAVED Arts Board of Directors. Neither these individuals nor the Institutional Producing Member organization itself are eligible for Production Support and other individual artist support programs offered to Producing Members.
• The annual fee for Institutional Producing Membership is determined the Board of Directors. Currently, the annual fee for Institutional Producing Membership is $100.