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Andrew John Milne “Camera Obscura” and “Photo Emulsion” Workshop Series

We are proud to welcome Andrew John Milne (Winnipeg) as our artist in residence this summer. As part of his residency Andrew will be presenting two workshops for PAVED Arts producing members. If you are interested in attending either workshops please email

Camera Obscura Workshop July 4 and July 11th 6:30 – 9:30 PM

This will be a two day workshop in which participants assemble a small portable camera obscura that will allow for the creation of 3.5″x4″ small photographic print and drawing (and you get to keep the camera!).

Parts and materials are provided as part of the workshop. The workshop will cover the assembly and operation of the cameras with participants creating a photographic print and a
camera facilitated drawing. Participants that wish to combine their drawing with the photograph can do so by attending the subsequent Liquid Emulsion Workshop.

Liquid Emulsion Workshop July 13th 1-4 PM

This one day workshop will cover the basics of working with liquid emulsion as a means of creating unique hand made photographic prints on almost any surface.

Participants will learn how to coat surfaces with emulsion and how to determine exposure times and how to process the prints.

Each participant will make a liquid emulsion print that they can keep. Participants may bring a sharp medium to high contrast negative or positive photographic print that they wish to copy or use provided examples if they do not have one. If applicable, participants can use the drawings and prints that they created in the Camera Obscura workshop but having attended the Camera Obscura workshop is not a requirement for this one.

Andrew John Milne Artist Bio: At the age of 31 years old Andrew quit his career as an Engineering Technologist and began a self-taught artistic practice in Vancouver involving photography, sculpture and contemporary dance. Working in the Winnipeg exchange district he develops technologies, devices and machines that act as both product and process within his art practice.