Image: Kathleen E Houston, Skylore Languages (detail), collage, sand, acrylic paint, stones, image transfer onto leather. Call to Action #14, i, ii.
July 14 – August 5, 2022
Co-presented by PAVED Arts & Common Weal Community Arts
Opening Reception: Thursday, July 14th, 5-7pm
Truth Art (Re)conciliation is a group exhibition that was born out of a 3-part PAVED Arts workshop in April 2022, led by Holly Rae Yuzicapi, Eliza Doyle and Marjorie Beaucage.
Artists include: Meerah Abesia, Ahmad Daro, Eliza Doyle, Breena Hebron, Anita Hertlein, Kathleen Houston, Margaret Kress, Rebecca La Marre, Dee Lowe, Lenore Maier, Emilie Neudorf, Zoe Slusar, Dakota Swiftwolfe, Holly Rae Yuzicapi
Participants created art that was inspired by addressing, exploring, critiquing and unpacking Canada’s dark colonial history. Together we explored unique ways of how art can be used as a tool to address the 94 Calls to Action put forth by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
Each artist participant created a digital work in response to one of the TRC’s 94 Calls to Action, which was then transferred onto leather. Artists then had the option to apply other artistic techniques to their piece. All pieces have an artist statement tying together their selected call to action to the content of their work.